July 18, 2024

Celebrating a World-Class Patient NPS of 82 for June!

Learn how our patient-centric approach and dedicated team achieved a world-class NPS of 82 in June, highlighting our commitment to exceptional patient satisfaction and healthcare excellence.

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Achieving Excellence: Our Patient-Centric Approach Leads to a Remarkable NPS of 82 in June

We are delighted to announce that our patient Net Promoter Score (NPS) for June has reached an outstanding 82! This remarkable achievement is not just a number; it signifies our relentless commitment to patient satisfaction and healthcare excellence. But what exactly is NPS, and why is this score so significant?

What is NPS?

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric designed to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction. Created by Bain & Company, NPS is widely used across various industries to measure the likelihood of customers recommending a company's products or services to others. The score is determined by asking customers a single question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our service to a friend or colleague?"

Based on their responses, customers are categorised into three groups:

  1. Promoters (score 9-10): Loyal enthusiasts who will keep using the service and refer others, driving growth.
  2. Passives (score 7-8): Satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to competitive offerings.
  3. Detractors (score 0-6): Unhappy customers who can damage your brand through negative word-of-mouth.

The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. The score can range from -100 to +100. An NPS above 0 is considered good, above 50 is excellent, and above 80 is world-class. For more detailed information on NPS, you can visit Bain & Company’s NPS explanation.

Why is an NPS of 82 Significant?

Achieving an NPS of 82 places us in the top tier of healthcare providers, reflecting the high level of satisfaction and loyalty among our patients. This score indicates that a vast majority of our patients are not only satisfied with our services but are also enthusiastic promoters, willing to recommend us to others. This level of endorsement is a strong indicator of our success in delivering high-quality healthcare services and creating positive patient experiences.

The Journey to an Outstanding NPS

Reaching this milestone has been a collaborative effort, rooted in our strong partnerships with health organisations, a patient-centric approach, and the hard work of our dedicated support team. Here are some key factors that have contributed to our high NPS:

  1. Patient-Centric Approach: Our primary focus has always been on our patients. By actively listening to their needs and concerns, we continuously improve our services to ensure we meet and exceed their expectations.
  2. Strong Partnerships: Collaborating with leading health organisations has allowed us to integrate best practices and innovative solutions into our care delivery, enhancing the overall patient experience.
  3. Dedicated Support Team: Our support team plays a crucial role in ensuring that every patient receives timely, compassionate, and effective care. Their dedication and hard work have been instrumental in achieving high levels of patient satisfaction.
  4. Continuous Improvement: We believe in the power of feedback and are committed to using it to drive continuous improvement. By regularly collecting and analysing patient feedback, we identify areas for enhancement and implement changes to better serve our patients.

Celebrating Our Success

We are incredibly proud of this achievement and would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to this success. From our healthcare professionals to our administrative staff, each member of our team has played a vital role in creating an environment where patients feel valued and cared for.

Looking Ahead

While we celebrate this milestone, we remain committed to further enhancing our services and maintaining the high standards that have earned us this world-class NPS. We will continue to prioritise patient satisfaction and work tirelessly to ensure that every patient has a positive experience with us.

In conclusion, achieving an NPS of 82 is a testament to our dedication to healthcare excellence and our unwavering commitment to our patients. We look forward to building on this success and continuing to deliver outstanding care to all our patients.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us reach this milestone! Here's to continued excellence in healthcare and many more milestones to celebrate together.


Simao Saco

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