September 19, 2023

What are Virtual Wards?

Virtual wards are an innovative patient care model that use digital technology to monitor and manage patients from the comfort of their own homes rather than in a traditional hospital setting.

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What are Virtual Wards?

Virtual wards are an innovative patient care model that use digital technology to monitor and manage patients from the comfort of their own homes rather than in a traditional hospital setting. This concept leverages advanced tools to monitor patients remotely, offering continuous support and reducing the need for hospital admissions. As healthcare systems globally face increasing pressure due to aging populations, chronic diseases, and limited resources, virtual wards present a promising solution to enhance patient care, improve outcomes, and optimise the distribution of healthcare resources.

A virtual ward functions similarly to a physical hospital ward but in a patient’s home or within a care facility. This model relies on remote monitoring technology, telemedicine, and digital health tools to provide comprehensive care to patients from the comfort of their living environment. The primary aim is to manage patients with complex health needs, chronic conditions, or those recovering from acute illnesses, ensuring they receive consistent and high-quality care without being admitted to a physical hospital.

Virtual wards combine various technologies and healthcare services to deliver patient care remotely. Key components include:

  1. Remote Monitoring Devices: Patients use devices such as blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, and wearable sensors to collect vital signs and other health data.
  2. Telemedicine Platforms: These platforms enable video consultations, messaging, and telephonic interactions between patients and healthcare providers.
  3. Data Integration: Health data from remote monitoring devices are integrated into a centralised system accessible to healthcare professionals. This integration ensures real-time tracking and timely interventions.
  4. Clinical Support: Virtual wards are supported by a team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and specialists, who monitor patient data, provide consultations, and adjust treatment plans as needed.
  5. Patient Engagement Tools: Apps and digital platforms educate patients about their conditions, provide medication reminders, and support self-management practices.

Virtual wards offer numerous benefits to patients, healthcare providers, and the overall healthcare system:

  1. Enhanced Patient Outcomes: Continuous monitoring and early intervention can significantly improve patient outcomes, reduce complications, and prevent hospital readmissions.
  2. Patient Comfort and Convenience: Receiving care at home reduces the stress and discomfort associated with hospital stays, improving the overall patient experience.
  3. Optimized Healthcare Resources: Virtual wards help alleviate the burden on hospitals, freeing up beds and reducing healthcare costs. They enable better resource allocation and operational efficiency.
  4. Personalized Care: Remote monitoring allows for personalised and timely adjustments to treatment plans based on real-time data, catering to individual patient needs.
  5. Increased Patient Engagement: Digital tools and telemedicine platforms empower patients to take an active role in managing their health, promoting adherence to treatment and lifestyle changes.

While virtual wards offer significant advantages, there are challenges and considerations to address:

  1. Technology Adoption: Ensuring patients and healthcare providers are comfortable and proficient with the necessary technology is crucial for the success of virtual wards.
  2. Data Security and Privacy: Protecting patient data is paramount. Virtual wards must comply with stringent data protection regulations and employ robust cybersecurity measures.
  3. Integration with Existing Systems: Seamless integration with existing electronic health records (EHR) and other healthcare systems is essential for a smooth workflow and comprehensive patient care.
  4. Reimbursement and Funding: Developing appropriate reimbursement models and securing funding for virtual ward services can be complex but is essential for widespread adoption.
  5. Clinical Workflow Adaptation: Healthcare providers need to adapt their workflows to incorporate remote monitoring and virtual consultations, which requires training and adjustments to traditional practices.


Doccla is a leading provider of virtual ward and remote monitoring services, offering an end-to-end solution that includes software, hardware, and clinical support. Since its inception, Doccla has monitored over 400,000 patient days across 500 clinical pathways, demonstrating substantial operational benefits and improved patient outcomes. 

Key Features of Doccla’s Virtual Ward:

  1. Comprehensive Monitoring: Doccla provides a wide range of remote monitoring devices and integrates them into a user-friendly platform accessible via mobile devices and web browsers.
  2. Clinical Support: Their in-house clinical team offers 24/7 support, ensuring timely interventions and continuous patient engagement.
  3. Interoperability: Doccla’s platform seamlessly integrates with NHS systems like SystmOne, Cerner, and EMIS, supporting two-way communication and data exchange.
  4. Cost Efficiency: Independent studies have shown that every £1 invested in Doccla’s virtual ward yields a return of £3.10, with significant reductions in emergency admissions and hospital stays.
  5. Patient Compliance and Satisfaction: Doccla achieves market-leading compliance and satisfaction rates, with over 95% patient adherence and positive feedback.

Impact on Healthcare:

  • Operational Efficiency: Doccla’s services have saved thousands of clinical hours and reduced the need for hospital visits, easing the pressure on healthcare facilities.
  • Enhanced Outcomes: Patients using Doccla’s virtual wards have shown improved health outcomes, including reduced emergency admissions and better management of chronic conditions.
  • Patient Empowerment: By providing education and self-management tools, Doccla empowers patients to take control of their health, leading to better adherence and lifestyle changes.

Virtual wards represent a transformative approach to modern healthcare, offering a sustainable and effective way to manage patient care outside the traditional hospital settings. By leveraging technology and innovative care models, virtual wards enhance patient outcomes, optimise healthcare resources, and improve the overall patient experience. As healthcare systems continue to evolve, the adoption of virtual wards will play a crucial role in delivering high-quality, patient-centered care in an increasingly digital world. Doccla’s success in implementing virtual wards demonstrates the significant potential of this model, paving the way for broader adoption and integration into mainstream healthcare practices.


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